Tankless electric water heater
ब्लॉग एक
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ब्लॉग एक


How long is the service life of the electric instant water heater?

How long is the service life of the electric instant water heater?

15 Mar 2021
The service life of instant water heaters depends on the quality of the accessories, the use environment, and the method of use. The Anlabeier brand generally has 7-10 years.

If the instant electric water heater is installed but not used for a long time, it is prone to occasional glitches like a computer. If the instant water heater is energized with water for a long time, the circuit board will age over time.

Therefore, Do not use a water mixing valve. Because using the water mixing valve will cause cold and hot water to flow out at the same time, the flow of hot water will be reduced at this time, causing the water temperature of the water heater to be too high, and the thermostat will turn on the over-temperature protection, and the water will suddenly be cold. Sudden heat phenomenon. This will make the electric instant water heater life longer and less prone to scaling.

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